About Me

I am a Computational Astrophysicist with 4+ years of specialized experience in high-performance computing and numerical simulation. I got my Ph.D. in April 2024 from the University of Victoria. I work with cosmological simulations focusing on the formation and evolution of galaxies. During my Ph.D. my focus was on exploring the origins and dynamics of the multiphase structure of the circumgalactic medium (CGM), the statistics and properties of dual AGNs as precursors of binary supermassive black hole formation, and the investigating host galaxies properties of merging black holes that emit low-frequency gravitational wave radiation. Furthermore, I am developing a novel way to enhance the resolution of CGM in numerical simulations without also enhancing the resolution of the galaxies using highly efficient, massively parallel simulation code, GIZMO. The aim of this targeted approach is to avoid having to evolve galaxies in the simulations at very high resolution, which can be computationally prohibitively expensive while enabling more accurate and much more realistic modeling of the spatial and dynamical structures in the CGM.

Outside of data analysis, I’ve taken on roles in mentoring and spearheading academic initiatives at the University of Victoria. These experiences underscore my dedication to both scientific advancement and community engagement. As you explore my website, you’ll navigate through my expansive research, key publications, and the contributions I seek to make in astrophysics. I’m always open to collaborations and discussions, so please reach out. Thanks for your visit, and enjoy your journey through the cosmos with me! 🚀🔭